I bought a Faber chimney recently and the installation is not done yet. After buying the chimney it took me a while to get the installation guy coming to my place (long wait) as there phones are always busy. Finally he came today and was very unprofessional in his approach (totally unprepared and came with no tools). A cut had to be done in the wall for taking the duct through it and he called another person for doing it who will come tomorrow and do it. He will be charging me INR 450 for it.
Then this guy also wants INR 1000 for half metre of aluminium wire from chimney to outside (very exorbitant charge). He will be coming two days later to install the chimney. He took INR 1000 from me as advance for aluminium wire and did not give me any receipt for it. Overall, the installtion which was supposed to take INR 300 will cost me INR INR1750. Had I known it in advance I would have never bought this damn chimney from Faber. This is when the duct length in my case is half meter...others can add INR 1800 per meter to this cost. Good luck with your chimney purchase !!