I visited one of the showrooms at Bengaluru, called as "Dream Home", located at #25, 100 ft. Ring Road, 5th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore 560069 for the purpose of booking a Fresh product suitable for my new residential apartment on 29/04/2013 at around 19.30 hrs, and on the recommendation of Mr.Swamy at the outlet, decided to purchase a New Product FABER ELECRIC CHIMNEY SOLARIS 60 680.
As advance payment I paid Rs. 1000/= via electronic mode through card payment on 29/04/13 at 19:48:12 hours, for which I was issued a receipt for the said amount.
I made inquiries about an identical looking product Faber Tender SS LTW 60, which was costing around Rs.7001/= and I was informed that the said model is discontinued. Since it was cheaper and appeared to be having identical service potential I had made the enquiry. As I was assured that the new product for which I was deciding was a Fresh and New product and that I could trust the brand name of Faber to deliver a Fresh and Good product, I settled to purchase Solaris 60 680.
As at my new residential home interior work was in progress I requested for delayed delivery. As per my request a carton was delivered on 06/06/2013 (after 37 days of booking date) in a sealed condition. The balance payment due (Rupees Eight Thousand three hundred only) was paid vide Cheque no 830519 dated 06/06/13 to the person who delivered the product.
We were informed that on the next day a company personnel would arrive for fitting the product, to whom we were to pay an additional sum of Rs. 500/= towards the installation and other additional charges as per material used, such as Pipe. Accordingly on 07/06/13 one Mr. Manjunath arrived and fixed the piece. When it was opened the protective plastic sheet was torn and there were scratches on the rim of the chimney. When this was pointed out he promptly told us to the company, as his job was just to fix the piece.
When it was fitted, we found that it was not functioning properly at all and that one of the bulbs was fused. Since he was not willing to provide a cap at the open end of the pipe and a support clip to hold the pipe in place, my father entered the ostensibly visible problems on the bill provided by him. Once he made sure that an additional amount will be provided, he rushed down and came with the cap and support, within 2 minutes. However, the bulb was only a minor problem.
We called the shop where the booking was done, and we were told that Mr. Swamy was unavailable and that we should call after 2 days.
After several calls to the shop, ultimately two days back one Mr. Lokesh from the shop Dream Home visited and inspected the product on 18th June. He agreed that the motor was not functioning and offered that he will ask someone to change the motor. We refused for piecemeal arrangement since: from the very beginning we had pointed out to the shop owner the following problems:
1} The very purpose for which the chimney was purchased, is not being served as the suction is Not done at all.
2} the product is visibly and obviously an old piece, {{most probably re-cycled SS LTW 60}} as a new piece for the very clear following reasons: a) the carton is dated April 2012 whereas the booking amount was made on 29/-4/2013 for a FRESH NEW PIECE b) the protecting plastic sheet was torn and there are black marks where the buttons are situate. c) there are visible scratches on the rim of the piece d) the packet was simply loaded from the condemned lot, as otherwise there is no explanation as to why there was one bulb in fused condition; since every product is expected to be thoroughly checked for a. IDENTITY OF THE PRODUCT MODEL b. PROPER CONDITION OF THE PRODUCT c. DATE OF MANUFACTURE, PRODUCT MODEL AND NAME AND DATE OF CHECKING IS MISSING ON THE PRODUCT e) every attempt TO NEGATE is being made by the distributor to REPLACE THE OLD PIECE either by not being available or taking inordinate time for response.