Faber India Service and Customer care is very BAD
We had purchased MARS 60/ 850 chimney and GB 465 SSP hob from Vishandas & Sons Koramangala, Banglore on 13th March 2010. We are facing bad situation that one of the ceramic tip for the auto ignition is damaged well before installing. I contacted customer care of Faber India, Faber service agent Subhash.com Bangalore.
Complaints are:
Ceramic tiles were found damaged well before installation
Black stains were found on the burner
Installation technician hided this information and left the installation. When talked to Subhas.com, Faber customer care and dealer now we have the following:
Even after 4 days the ceramic tip is not replaced, also told it will take further 3 days to get it done
The technician for the installation was not from Faber India
Dealer had send an un authorized person for installing
Dealer told that ceramic tip has no guarantee, still they will try to get it
This is a pathetic situation were we were embraced with this type of poor customer care from Faber. As a caution, I request all those who plan to buy Faber product, has to check all points before buying the product.