I placed an order for this gas stove(https://faberindia.com/collections/3-burner-gas-appliances/products/cooktop-jumbo-3bb-bk)
with your Faber outlet in Chrompet, Chennai
Franchisee Name: Vibrant Concepts and Design
Order Place On March 9, 2024.
The Delivery Commitment was: March 11, 2024
Payment was made in full.
March 11, 2024 - The product was not delivered and there was no update as well from the team that it will not be delivered. I had to make multiple calls to understand that the delivery will be delayed. However the staff promised to deliver the next day.
March 12, 2024 - I get a call from the store saying that they will not be able to deliver the product and can give it by next day.
March 13, 2024 - Product is delivered. On inspection I found that the inlet value was broken. Called up to understand the store is closed. Then called by the Authorized number provided in the Faber site for this Franchisee. Shared the recording of unboxing and they initiated a replacement. The stock was to be delivered by March 15, 2024.
March 15, 2024 - The new stock was delivered and the delivery guy took back the faulty product. Unboxing the product I found the following things missing.
Drib tray
Cleaning Pin
User Manual
Warranty Card
Have informed the store and shared the unboxing video.
Not sure "What kind of Quality Check process is followed in Faber?"
Is it just limited to assembling the stove and putting QC stickers at the back.
Twice faulted for a single order, how do I trust this brand? How do I trust the product quality any more?
What is the reliability and assurance that this product will not fail and can risk peoples life.
Finally I have requested for refund.
Bottom line. I do not feel this product is reliable and trust worthy. If the company do not even have the basic checks in place. I wonder what would be fait of the product. I cannot risk peoples life with such equipment which can be fatal.
The experience shared above is my personal one and it may vary people to people.
One more request. Showrooms insists to give feedback every time you complete a transaction. If you really want to give the feedback wait for the entire order cycle to complete.