Hi pals,
My experience of online shopping with Fabmart..theres a saying one dead fish spoil the pond Same thing happend to me while shopping with FABMART.
If you remember fabmart used to allow shopping with their own currency, something similar to our prepaid mobile currency. I wanted to buy a book online, and thus bought fabmart currency worth Rs.1500. I had problems while paying for the book online, so I had to contact one of te customer support guys at fabmart, he spoke well looked genuine helper. He asked for my currency details and assured me that he would get back to me immediately.
I never heard anything from him for long and to my surprise I got to know that all my currency was already used by someone else, and it didnt take much time for me to understand who?
I was cheated by fabmart and no one ever bothered to help me out. I would sincerely advice all you friends to keep away from this kind of online crooks.