Its been a while since Ive had some good fun with an action movie that didnt annoy me too much for I dont know what reasons. And I have to admit: even though it didnt have the strongest start, "Face/Off" gave me a very good time thanks to the very good acting from John Travolta and Nicholas Cage and the interesting directing and camera work by John Woo.
Sean Archer (Travolta) is an FBI agent who has been chasing Caster Troy (Cage) for six years. He has been chasing Troy for six years, because Troy tried to shoot Archer and was able to hit him, but ended up killing Archers son instead. When Archer finally succeeds in apprehending Troy, Troy tells him that, even though Archer arrests him, he has lost anyway, because Troy has planted a bomb somewhere. First they are convinced that hes bluffing, but when they arrest Troys brother Pollux, they find out he was telling the truth and that there is a biological bomb somewhere.
To find out where exactly, Archer will have to do something that has never been done before. Because Caster got in a deep coma and his fellows (who are all in jail now) think hes dead, Archer will take over his face. Thanks to some experimental cosmetic surgery, doctors are able to peel of Troys face and put it on Archers head. Archer, who now looks like Troy, goes to the jail, tries to find out everything about the bomb by questioning "his" accomplices, but of course something goes wrong. Troy awakes from his coma, takes over Archers face (which was being preserved for the duration of the mission) and takes over Archers life...
In the beginning, the movie isnt all that excellent. Only when both men have switched faces and identity, the real fun starts, reaching a climax during the last 45 minutes. Then there is plenty of action in the movie and often John Woo has portrayed it in a very original and spectacular way. But the real stars of this movie are Nicholas Cage and John Travolta. In the beginning of the movie I thought they werent exactly casted perfectly. I thought it would be better for Cage to play the FBI agent and Travolta the terrorist (I didnt know yet what was to come), and was very pleased to see them play each other afterwards. Its very clear that they had a lot of fun doing that, which is very positive for the movie.
All in all this was one of the best action movies Ive seen lately. And despite the fact that the beginning wasnt the strongest, I still had some great fun with it.