Hello guys, I know that, almost all of you have been using this app for messaging your friends and family, to whom you wanted to be connected. This app is an integral part of the Facebook app. You all may know about the advantages and the advance features of the app.
So, rightly getting into it, we will know about some of the disadvantages and not good features of this app,
Battery usage: This is one of the main issue which I have seen many times, if you are removing the app from the recent apps then also it runs into the background, affecting both your data and battery life, which totally disappoints, so there should be better optimization update of messenger by Facebook.
You are forced to use Messenger: If are a person who uses Facebook by browsing through a browser then you may not faced it, but all those users their who use Facebook app may have faced that if they want to send any message of want to read the message which they have received they cant, the Facebook app forces them to install messenger app in order to do such things.
Storage: If you are a person with a latest smartphone then this might not be faced by you, but users which are using smartphones which are quite old, which are not having much internal memory suffers a lot, as Messenger app takes a sufficient amount of your storage, which you may not like.
That were some of the major points which needs to be improved, in the coming future.
Thats all from my side.
Hope you like it.