Facebook messenger is a chatting application by facebook. It is really a good, fast, and attractive messenger. It givea you a nice experience of chatting with friends.
You can login to messenger by your facebook account. And can chat with Facebook friends and the people who use messenger. Here you also can create groups of your friends and chat together. New options added by meseenger for call and video call, ao if you have good network then you can do it easly and free. While chatting you can also share mp3, images, videos and files to your friends. And also there are lots of stickers provided by messenger which adds a real fun to your chat.
Another unique thing it provides a chat heads, which are active while you are doing work on another applications, these are on the screen and you can click on them and can send message. It is a fast application easly accessible in alow networks, but for call on messenger you need a good network. Also there are many applications on play store which can help you while chat like giphy, bidomji aound clip etc.So finally friends messenger provides you a great experience of chat.