Hello friends.
Today em here to share my review regarding this social networking site Facebook.
Em using this site since I was 15 years old in starting I dont know how to use this slowly slowly I gt exactly how to you use having considered that the facebook is the most popular social network in all over the world and millions of people are using this site every day some people gt very addicted towards using facebook.
It is one of the best site to make new friends.we can stay connected with our friends if we dont want give our conctact number then we can stay connected in facebook to them. .
Here we can post our stories , videos , photos , thoughts everything whatever we want.We can able to make here business pages , fun pages and many more pages whatever we want to.Facebook service is good and well supported.
there is no other site like facebook.Em very thankfull to Mark zukerberg.
So I recommend you make facebook accounts and stay connected with your lovely friends hav fun guys.thnx