Facebook is invented by mark zuker berg it is the one of the best websites of all and famous too I have been 3 years I am writing this review very honestly with my experience
it is use full for all types of the aged people like
schoolchildren job holders retired persons and old people it is use full for the children like seeing school projects posting your tallent inviting your school event clarifing the doudbts ets
for jobholders and job serchers it is the very use full for this type of caterogery of people
all the companys have facebook pages they post if they want any job holders or for jobsake I ts best like serching jobs the oldaged people they cant properly walk or anything they cant travell one place to other
they talk with otheres in facebook its is also very usefull for they they have many wishes to go to some places the complete their wish in the face book
and finnaly the gamers its has some thousands of games to play in facebook
its totally an e news or somewhat
only problem is buffering I dont know why they buffer a lot I have questioned to somepeople they told if we keep long time in facebook the google will pay some money to facebook I think thats why