I was not a crazy lover of social networking. I was into orkut even but when Facebook came into picture the whole idea of social media changed.
Suddenly it was used as the medium to find old friends in a different way. For conveying messages to people in different way and displaying your likes and dislikes to your friends and relatives. For me every thing in this world has its own drawbacks. Facebook also had its drawbacks like the data privacy. Initially, Facebook it became a mode for terrorists to spread terror among people. But hats of to Mark zuckerberg.
For finding a real interesting was to communicate with people. But it all starts with the actual founder of social networking of modern world for me The founder of Orkut, Orkut Büyükkökten (born February 6, 1975) is a Turkish software engineer who developed the social networking services Club Nexus, inCircle and Orkut.