Facebook is a Worlds no 1 social site! Facebook is available on Website, USSD, application.The short name of Facebook is FB. This is a all in one.means A businessmen used it to growth up his business, A individual used it to his personal, Artist used it to his popularity, Reporter used it for viral news to show in TV/paper!
Facebook is a nice conceptual site.You can add profile picture with also add Cover picture!It was founded by Mark Johannesburg .You can create a page in Facebook and earned a lot of money about this!
Design is not so attractive in Application.
Today, Our world wide the 60-70% site trusted on Facebook.And they create a option to join with Facebook.
After 2017 comes, They upgrade his app and add a extra option, which is Facebook Live.
Bad -
The bad think is Facebooks creating option is too Simple, and everyone can easily created.But The effect is now going to side-effect!Some faker created fake account with used spam language.The peoples are too disturb about this!
a)Facebook applications size is too large, also this application eating fast your mobile RAM.
b)This application is also eat your too many data.
c)Facebook Application is the one of the reason for hanging.
After all It is a good site for all
Thank you