Hi guys.Facebook(FB) is worlds top most social media in this world. FB is the ICON of technological innovation in this tech world. I like to use facebook for some time but not regular and not longer time on every visit.Now a days, FB became part of every life.Everyday life begins with fb and ends with fb.It is easy to connect with our friends and we will increase our network by connecting with new friends.Normal people will turn as a celebrity by posting their interesting news on FB wall.
FB helps us to share our ideas to the world.Todays startups may grow by using FB also.Because of these reasons I would like use FB.As technology innovation has its advantage and also has some disadvantages.Most of the people sharing their personal details to unknown guys in FB.Some of those trick you to their fraud and we may face some problems.Most people spend their lot of time on FB(not only on FB but also on other social media) and getting addict to this FB.I suggest those people be usage of FB to limit and be secure&safe.This is my review on usage of FB.