Facrbook is a platform where all the users connected together.but it is very harmful for ur privacy.
The concept of Facebook is good to be share your memories to your friends. but the hackers and users misuse this feature.they use ur photos and do photoshoop and giving very bad effects. And use it in criminal cases.they also use ur check in location to do robbery in your home. So do not post any private information in facebook.
The app layout contains very high quality graphics and its design is quiet hard to new users. This app is around 100mb when u install it . After you log in to Facebook after 2-3 hours it is reach to 300-400MB so it consumes too much data and space in my mobile.
Facebook have too many features such as posting photos videos also check in to various places. But I am disappointed because Facebook has launches their updates after 2-3 days which is very big updates but features and function didnt change yet.
I think it is not at all usefull app.it is useless app only for times pass and its very harmful. Especially for girls and womens.