Since its launch in 2004, the social networking service Facebook has grown to over one billion users. While there are numerous advantages to using the service, there are also unfortunately some negative aspects. Apart from being potentially addictive and hampering productivity, the service can make you vulnerable to malware, viruses and even identity theft if you are not careful. Facebook is also known to place a strain on relationships due to how easy it is to connect with people from your past.
According to a study
conducted by Leif Denti at
the University of
Gothenburg, spending time
on Facebook can become
addictive. Participants in
the study reported that
they felt ill at ease when
they were not able to
regularly check up on their
Facebook account. With
other people constantly
posting new photos or
status updates, people that
become addicted to
Facebook can feel like they
are missing out if they are
not constantly logged in.
According to the study,
these users do not even
realize that they are
engaged in excessive use
of the service, as it
becomes an unconscious