I had been using Facebook since I was in highschool. And it has been almost 8 year since I had started Facebook.
Now about the Facebook, it is an social networking platform which connects one with another. Facebook has a lot of benefits and some disadvantages too. Depending on the user. The security of facebook is so high.
The Facebook content every kind of things from a information related page to comedy page. Information about the people, what they are doing, where they have been. It helps to connect with friends.
Actually I had been connected with the friends from my childhood through Facebook which seems so unrealistic. We had a chance to met again after. Many love stories starts with Facebook and many fights to. Many news and fake news too.
It has its pro and con depending on the user. You can share your experience through facebook, you can share your fan through pictures, your reviews too and let the people added with you know about what's you upto.
So all in all, Facebook is a great platform to share your experience and fans. So I really recommend this app.