Hey frnds
If the facebook is nation.! Then its worlds 3rd nation in population.
Im using facebook from december 2012.Beacuse of facebook we can get touch in our friends with our loved person. We can upload our status, photo, video, thought by facebook. And share with friends it.
The founder of facebook is Mark Zukerbuarge. He found fb in I think in 2006 at age of 20 year. And he become famous with facebook. Nown days he bought the rites of whatsapp also. Whatsapp is top grosing application for chatting and sharing text, video, audio, photos etc.
By facebook we can touch with world that what was going on in the world.
We can facebook for marketing and promoting what evet we want by making Facebook page of it.
We can live without facebook. Its very usefull and helpfull.
IM giving 5 star to facebook.com