Facebook is a social media app and website developed by mark zakarbar and team. its a free application we can download from android play store. its a free app its a social networking site we can add friends on our account for chatting with her sent pictures, video and many more. we can add multiple friends on our account for chatting with her sent picture, video and many more. we can add multiple friends on our personal account. its a best application for chatting and making friendship and reconnecting old friends or relatives. we can chat our friends on facebook. we can upload picture on timeline, we upload profile picture on facebook, we can multiple friends or create make new friends on facebook. we can use facebook as business promotions, entertainment, bore- room killers and reconnecting old or lost school colleges friends. its a most amazing popular social networking sites of facebook . facebook is the award winning application. and billions of people already download facebook. its a best application of entire android application.