I finally got a chance to see this very controversial documentary yesterday. After watching Fahrenheit 911 I found it to be very informative and very surprising. It?s a very clever and skilled documentary by Michael Moore.
In light of the current campaigning by President George Bush for reelection, and John Kerry?s bid for the presidency along with Saddam Hussein?s courageous, authoritative and bold performance in an Iraqi court on Thursday. Director, writer, and producer Michael Moore bring us his most successful and heart grabbing documentary Fahrenheit 9/11. Moore makes a very serious effort to awaken the political consciousness of the American people in his cinematic campaign to end the Bush presidency.
That?s certainly the message he sends with this in-depth documentary of President Bush and his administration, American foreign policy, big business, the events of 911 and the profits of war. Do the American people really count? Not according to Michael Moore?s Fahrenheit 9/11.
Michael Moore pulls no punches in Fahrenheit 9/11 his approach to humor the viewer with various clippings from such TV shows as Gunsmoke, and Bonanza is very funny. Moore also cuts to the chase with his true focus of the events of 911, and the Bush Administration. We see a lot of Michael Moore in this documentary as well.
He explores the inception of the George Bush Jr. Presidency. The very controversial Gore popular vote in Florida, the surprising US friendship with the Taliban, Osma Bin Ladden, and the Ladden Family, the stunning notice to President Bush of the attack on the USA on 9/11 and a laid back George Bush in a Washington Classroom. Michael Moore also reveals the heart-breaking story of a patriotic mother who eventually loses faith and her spirit of American patriotism when her son is killed in Iraq.
Fahrenheit 9/11 is written, produced, and directed by Michael Moore. This movie was released June 25, 2004. The running time for this documentary is 1: 56 minutes.
The Documentary
It is Al Gore?s victory of the Florida vote, at least it appears that way until the news media flashes announce the sudden defeat of the Gore victory in Florida, and victory for George Bush whose brother is Governor of that state. Michael Moore directs our attention to that most heartbreaking day when presidential candidate Al Gore seemingly have won the popular vote in Florida and the process of omitting the ballots of African American voters who voted for Al Gore. Moore also exposes racism in the Senate when African American Senators petition the majority of white senators to support their efforts in passing a bill that will begin an investigation of voter fraud in Florida. Despite the political savvy and sassy approach by Senator Maxine Waters.
Moore further goes on to show the dreadful and embarrassing inauguration of George Bush Jr. When his caravan is met with crowds of protesters of his presidency, the crowds throw eggs at the Bush limousine, and chants of defiance and dissatisfaction of his successful election. As a result, George Bush?s traditional walk to the White House is canceled. Moore also looks at the first year of George Bush?s Presidency and his needless vacation when things were just too tough in Washington.
Moore also zeros in on the television sets of George Bush, and Donald Rumsfeld, which clearly displays a dishonest and false act of American patriotism. I also found Moore?s extensive coverage of the false terror alerts by the Bush administration to be in-depth. Michael Moore does an excellent job when covering the various interviews of politicians as they share their disgust with the Bush administration?s efforts to keep the American people in a state of fear of terrorist attacks that will never take place.
As this movie goes on Moore addresses American foreign policy; he reveals the heartless and needless invasions of other countries for show, profit, deceit and aggression by America. Moore also reveals George Bush?s diabolical plan to invade Iraq, and the most dreadful coverage of Iraqi?s final days of sovereignty. I stop here. You must see this documentary.
Final thoughts on Fahrenheit 9/11
I?ve pretty much expressed my opinion of this outstanding documentary. Michael Moore does an excellent job with this documentary. He is very clever when expressing his opinion of the Bush Administration with the use of cinema, and various footages of such TV shows as Bonanza, Gunsmoke, and footages of various western movies. I found these little interruptions to be very funny and to the point. Will Fahrenheit 9/11 prevent the reelection of President George Bush Jr.? Suggest answer No, I wish this movie could. As long as the right wing groups exits as Bush?s ?base? than we should expect another visit to LOONY TUNES COUNTRY USA for the next four years. Michael Moore has not only made a significant contribution with Fahrenheit 9/11; he?s also made great place in movie history. This documentary scores 5 stars it?s excellent.