Most shoddily composed mails are by ab auctore ignoto
Sachin is known as a gr8 aficionado
The upcoming one day series will depend on auto-da-fe
Everybody knows him as an avante garde
No one in his grp is a bete noire
In Sachin`s work yet to come a Chef d `oeuvre
He works too hard as he is con brio
Thats why busy and happy guy is his alter ego
His team is always de facto
He never before working hard asked cui bono
Sometimes in the cricket project during night-outs
seemed to be a deus ex machina
Enthu is always en massse
Never has fear as of ex officio
Before making any comments consider status quo
Knows the importance of mutual work ipso facto
Always ready for quid pro quo
Ready with his weapons Straight bat & spinning the
ball ante bellum
The busy and happy guy is his simulacrum
His buddies are Kambli, Dravid and et alia
Anjali, Chappell and at cetera
Never acts as a bete noire
Always at work de jure
To work and to have fun is ad infinitum
Peace of mind is his Summus bonum
His wish to have all kind of bats kinda magnum gatherum
Dada`s sillineses never to him is ad nauseam
His enthu to work for his team India is ad infinitum:-)
Not caring for Dada`s fart comments and always behaves amour propre
Never ever acts like a lotus-eater
Being Macho and shy is magna cum laude
Moreover, being laconic, cogent and articulate is like
summa cum laude
Never suffers from Phobia of baker`s dozen
Junta loves polls as of ad hominum
He never acts to his team mates as a dog in the manager
Whenever his team is in technical prob acts as hold water
Never does anything to make a faux pas
Never does anything to suffer in medias res
Quite but fear of fight is a non sequitur :-)
Working hard but fear is also a de rigueur
So many times during cricket project nightouts acts like play possum
Wheneve his buddy is angry with him uses his open sesame :-)
Aashish Payal(Dehradun)
Aashish Payal
Architecting Value