I dont like fair and lovely because by using this cream it gives rashes and pimples to our face.Our face covered with pimples and rashes between one or two weeks and your face will become dull.
I use it for one month and in first week the skin was very good but in second week some rashes covered my face and some pimples also there on my face.This cream is not useful for both oily skin and dry skin at all.Please share this review more and more and ban this product because it is very harmful product everybody should have to fight against this product.
when I go to skin doctor he said that dont use fair and lovely because in this cream there are some chemicals and it may cause harm to your skin very badly.And when I Asked to doctor if there are chemicals in this product why they launched it?then doctor said that they do only for money not for people health.
he said that if you want a fairer skin use only dove soap twice a weak.
so I recommend you all not use fair and lovely at all.