Hi guys,
All of you seem to be pretty heated up with the F & L Ad. This is just in support.
I have a golden dusky hue to my skin, and boy, do I love it. All through school
and college I hung out with fair and attractive friends, but I never had problems getting cute boys to ask me out. (Now Now, I am not boasting, jus wanna tell you that it is the attitude that matters. Only when you like yourself, will others like you.)
And I never even thought about using the heaven-sent F & L, ….lol…coz I know
Ill lose much of my sex appeal, if I become fair. Though, I wud love to clear up
some blemishes .
And about the Ads. Really they are so regressive, makes me wonder which era they
are living in?? You know, in the ad where the girl becomes a cricket commentator,
I honestly felt, she looked much cuter in the beginning of the ad ( wen shes dusky).
And I do feel that they leave a bad impression on children’s mind, as in they really
start thinking that fair=goodlooking, dark= unfortunately plain or ugly. I m talking from
personal experience. When I was 7, one of my 7yr old fair classmate said to me, “Chhee you are so kaali”. Thank God, that my teacher was around, otherwise 2day I wud definitely have been an F & L customer. My teacher intervened and said with a loving smile – “ So what if she is kaali? Black is Krishna’s color” or something like that. Well, that saved my self-esteem, but will every dark child have that luck?
AND, let me make it clear, that I am not against fairness. On some people fair colour looks best ( like the Kapoor sisters, cant imagine them dark), on some dusky looks good ( Rani Mukherjee, shd never never use a fairness cream, her dusky complexion looks grt with her light eyes;), and some others look grt with dark shades ( Go to Kerala, u’ll know wht I mean!!).
So to sum it up. There is no pressure on you to be fair ok.
Bronze is hot and Confidence is sexy! ( If you need media support switch on VH1, and watch 50 cent, Nelly, Usher dancing with the darkest and hottest chicks on TV).
That’s all.