Speaking of good creams, I think fair and lovely speaks for itself, everyone I know has been using this wonder cream for that extra bit of whiteness. fair and lovely works like magic on the skin if used regularly, making the skin soft and smells really good.
it does face a lot of competition these days but I am not sure whether fair and lovelys popularity can ever be affected as they say old is gold like the ever refreshing amitabh. what makes the other creams click in the market is its comparatively cheaper cost which seems more affordable then the expensively priced f&l. I would like to put forth a true example of my cousin who uses this cream as if she was gifted with endless supply of it, I mean loads and loads of it, u have to see the before and after effect. although I might find that a bit crazy I think if it is applied in moderation is fine. after all these creams pick on the wheat-ish complexion that most of us here in India have and make us dream of wish fulfillment by providing the wonder drug. Whats important is not to be part of the rat race and be satisfied with the colour gifted to you.
Getting back to f&l I think it can be safely used as it smells good and does have an effect with regular use. but I would just like to add that Fair isnt always Lovely!