I have spent quite an amount of time in this company and quit this company some time back due to some issues arising out of project management, I am writing this review as the situations in the company is worsening as all my old colleagues are all out ., this company is based in Bengaluru, BTM Layout.
Org. Structure: This company is formed by about 5 people who are all directors, Subramani, Budhi Sagar and Dr.Sivakumar(Siva) are the main people who manage day to day works. There is no organization structure and 75% works are wasted efforts, primarily in Stress/Fatigue team.
Departments: There is Stress and design team headed by Siva and Budhi sagar respectively. As far as design is concerned there is varied exposure and the team manager/team members are good and supportive, opportunity to work on-site is also there, but make sure your intentions clear while joining.
Stress team is headed by Siva, this team lacks work most of the time and little work that comes from UK II tier companies are also screwed by Siva and his team. Even simple works are done by many idle engineers(many in-experienced and just out of college) and re-work is done in loops thus many of them are not giving work on repeat basis.
Siva controls HR(recruitment, Admin, internal HR), he is so fond of taking responsibility that he will also fix salary of Aaya who comes to clean the office premises. He even laid off one Aaya for non-performance and didnt pay one month salary .
Siva never gives space for anyone to grow, senior most stress team all quit en-masse in 2010 due to lack of work and false promises done by HR(Siva)
Some onsite engineers are not paid well, some times they will pay you less than what is agreed, many people who come from onsite resign immediately for this reason. While onsite monthly allowances is also not given for few months, some have jumped the company bcos of this.
Workwise, Siva controls everything, what ever he says is final, experienced engineers will have hard time adjusting with him, there is no scope for using your innovation/experinece under Siva. He will simply spoil your career. Fatigue team does some work which is like data entry job, even a cab driver can do those jobs.
FOR EXPERIENCED ENGINNERS THIS COMPANY IS BIG NO(even if you are 2 years experienced), however freshers can join and learn something, but still since there is hardly any work you will learn nothing.
Here are some other information,
Siva will make HR collect your marks cards in the pretext of verifying, they will return marks cards but will retain your degree certificate and will not return it. And Siva will ask hundred questions for that.
Irrespective of what post you are you will be an ordinary engineer under Siva, no recognition is given for hard work.
Many times projects are under quoted and under scheduled, some times engineers have to spend 12+ hours to make for Sivas mistake in quoting project. Many a times engineers have stayed back in office to execute project in firefighting mode, and at the end making too many mistakes. Project management is really very bad and lacks basic common sense.
Apart from huge work load some times, there will be no work period as well this is more boring, no proper planning is done.
The work is also made tough for engineers by confusing methodology and planning, one engineers one hour work is done by 3 engineers for 3 days(thanks to confusion)
They are creating some openings in Stress & Fatigue even though there is hardly any work is expected, many engineers have spent 6 months continously w/o work and quit due to boredom.
However if you can mould yourself into Sivas needs you will get all you need, so far only 3-4 people are moulded intorobots, they get good treatment.
Interviews are conducted in a manner to impress candidates, they try to project as a great preofessional company.
Sivas one more lust is to make engineers stay long and work on week-ends, he will give some dummy work to the targeted person/s and will say this work is important, please deliver by Monday, he will hand-over keys of the company so that you can come in week-ends to do the work.
Siva is kind of mental chap, totally disconnected from family, hes in office from morning 9 to evening
10, Even if work is not there, he will be monitoring people, people w/o work should pretend as if they are doing some work.its crazy.
- Not even one employee has left the company w/o shouting at poor HR ladies, bcos HR will try its best to scvrew up your carrer.
Overall, the company excels in design and exactly opposite w.r.t. Stress and Fatigue, I suggest all FEA/Stress/Fatugue engineers to stay away from this company. Expect huge imaginary work load if you demand more salary. BTW, the salary levels is lowest in industry standard. Many experienced engineers dont join itself due to this.
Most important reason why you should NOT join this company is arbitary HR policies framed by Siva. Many people who quit jobs in past have not got relieving letters, and have spoilt careers of atleast 1/2 dozen people. Even I got relieving letter after 3 months after quiting the company.
Many people dont even apply to this company bcos the HR practice followed by Siva is spread like wild fire in FEA/Stress enginners fraternity. So if you have not heard, here you go.please avoid this company for FEA/Stress/Fatigue,
1. Relieving letter signed by HR head where CEO was supposed to sign
2. Logo on Salary slip, Relieving letter and Offer letter is different.
3. Address of company on Salary slip/Website and relieving letter is different.
4. Company will never entertain outside queries by background checkers, this will affect career. HR head will simply sayHello and then dis-connects. Your new company may lay you off for improper background check/s.
- Same person is willfully signing differently on different document to screw your career.