This company is located in B’lore ( , BTM layout, the company’s modus operandi is to recruit people in guise of some bonds and agreements and promising onsite opportunities and then cheat employees and spoil their careers. The company is led by Ex-CADES employees (turned into fraudsters)
==WHAT THEY DO : ==Well they claim they are into CAD/CAE Engineering, they claim they are better than Infosys and Wipro to the engineers who apply for job, interview process is eyewash prospective employees are bombarded with many high tech stuff and they even promise many things like onsite opportunity etc etc to suck in employees
==WHO ARE THEY : ==The company is led by one Ex-HAL employee by name ** he is top fraudster in the company, he should have been a priest in some temple, b’cos he has love for God at the same time cheats people, his prayer for God is "bless me with cheat tricks". Then one Dr. - he was thrown out of Satyam for wrong declaration of bills and other issues, he was unemployed and was rejected by dozen companies. He is half boiled in all areas and is worst in managing people. heads design team and he comes with fraud back ground. He knows the tricks of stealing s/w codes and procuring illegal/pirated s/w codes, he is so stingy that he will even lick cow dung for Re.1, after leaving HAL he was thrown out from HCL within 3 months and he was unemployed for more than one year, he is highly image sensitive and does anything to impress his in-laws, friends and relatives.
were thrown out of CADES b’cos they were doing underhand dealings and these guys have copied all the processes and systems of CADES before leaving the company. They have changed the name and logo of CADES and replaced with Fairtech.
The others are insignificant people just hanging to the company for salary. Some are sticking to the company for onsite opportunities. Less than 1/2 dozen have one + year experience in the company
==WORK : ==This is most important aspect as there is no work itself, when you attend interviews the Fairtech interview is stroked-off as irrelevant. I have 3 years experience at Fairtech and my new company did not consider it at all. But they gave me the salary I am looking for.For every 20 days you may be lucky to get one day work here, so if you spend one year the value addition would be roughly one month only.
Fatigue / Stress / FEA /CAD engineers be aware of this fraud company.
Fairtech was given many works by many UK companies, but after seeing quality of work, they have stopped some companies are not giving any work.
HR Department : This is hottest department, b’cos everyone is interested to participate, the reason is all spend more time on framing arbitrary rules only to affect a leaving employee. If one key employee resigns they will reject it and ask him to give in written form next day, by that time they will change the HR rules and affect it to screw up the person leaving. They do this every now and then. HR department is handled by **. Who spends 75% time in HR activities than on technical work.
HR invariably becomes hard to exiting employees, they cut salary, 3 months notice period and other stuff, I worked in this company for 3 years, health insurance card give only after 2 years. Salary payment will be irregular, if you have loans be careful, salary is credited b/w 5th to 15th of every month, some times there could be shortage and HR will give some reasons.
Many onsite engineers are not paid in time , I myself have seen people resigning in ’high-voltage way’ smashing desk and banging door etc etc. But HR is absolutely shameless.
==Miscellaneous : ==All the softwares are pirated in the company, they also have some illegal connection with people and procure illegally many sofwares at fraction of the cost of original price. In one case client came to know this and suspended work contract with Fairtech. The company premises was raided once and Fairtech was made to pay up 12 lakhs in early 2010.
These guys are worst than terr.or.ists at least they have some motive to ki.ll people but these frauds will kill you career play spoilsport. Please avoid this company.