I invite thee,
To be a part of ambiance so intense & gloomy;
A journey that was;
Never so kind to he & she.
For you shalt not regret to be;
A bleak & sombre, humming bee.
Lost in the darkness of evil & unobtrusive charity.
Come! For thou shalt never forget a journey so creepy.
--------------- these were my thoughts on reading this book--------------
If the above lines elicit a thrill, never mind small, rush of blood in your spines; Please be sure to read this review for the spirit it contains shall never forget you or leave you.
If there exists a book that could render the same chills, thrills and unexpected pumping of adrenaline for all wrong reasons, would you not read it? Edgar Allan Poe offers a never before rush of horrifying blood through your arteries & veins with his tale Fall of the House of the Usher.
Unfortunate. I am unfortunate yet lucky. Seems to be a biting paradox. But surely I consider myself among the unfortunate ones for I shall continue to regret that I found this literature of Edgar Poe so later. Yet due to the fact that I could read it and be excited is the reason as to why Im lucky?
For you, I suggest you to read the indelible insatiable tales of Poe as soon as time finds you from the hectic earn thy bread schedule.
Poe is one of the truly magnificent spooky tale writers of his time. No! Please Wait. Just limiting the wind of accolades to blow within the 19th century would be a denigrating thought. Poe is and remains to be the most prodigious writer till today and for the years to arrive. I am more than amazed to witness the flow of language that allows the reader to look bewildered, scared & iced even while doing the act of reading at the same time.
During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I know how it was-but, with the first glimpse of the building, a sense of insufferable gloom pervaded my spirit.--------House Of Usher.
Poe heads straight in describing the ambiance he accepted while his ride towards one of his friends house. No! It was not a house. It was a mansion of gloom---as Poe describes the house better than anyone could ever.
Poes description of every inanimate object that comes across his way towards the house is very exalting. He brings to life, with his skill of describing, all the non-living objects. Poe spreads his wings of knowledge in depicting a horror & utmost spooky tale--Fall of the House of Usher.
Roderick Usher had been one of my boon companions in boyhood; but many years had elapsed since our last meeting. A letter, however, had lately reached me in a distant part of the country--a letter from him--which in its wildly importunate nature had admitted of no other than a personal reply.
Usher was a friend of Poe and there was something that oppressed Usher. Poe could sense the vagueness & malady in the letter. Poe describes the letter very well and also the way he continues to depict the physical as well as mental appearance of usher was marvelous.
For a moment, Poe takes you to the actual scenario through the words he use to explain the atmosphere. He rides you from distant hills to a bleak apprehensive mansion and all this just with the expression of words. One can not cease but be full of praise for Poe for his inimitable style and profuse knowledge of english.
I learned moreover at intervals, and through broken and equivocal hints, another singular feature of his mental condition. He was enchained by certain superstitious impression in regard to the dwelling which he tenanted.
Usher was very much tensed for his concerns towards the villa which he inhabitated. Poe describes the mansion and the appearance of the entire palace In the most prolific way one could ever imagine to depict.
Poe assorted the tale into main parts like:
Travel to the House of Usher
description of usher and his munificent family
Psychological & Physical Appearance Of usher
His stay in the palace
Although his tale is not more than 28 pages, He brings out life in the tale by his arabesque expression of the entire set up of story. Although it is always arduous for a Non-literature student to grasp the words he employs to describe the characters and objects. This would be not considered as a negative point anymore for had he not used the words that he has, it would have been a ordinary tale that any tom, dick or harry can write. I would recommend this book to everyone even while in sleep. But as a preventive measure, I offer you my advice to make sure that you carry a dictionary before you actually start reading this marvel.
Favorite lines (Cant help but I had to post them)
There can be no doubt that the consciousness of the rapid increase of my superstition--for why should I not so term it ?--served mainly to accelerate the increase itself.
Feeble gleams of encrimsoned light made their way through the trellised panes, and served to render sufficiently distinct the more prominent objects around; the eye, however, struggled in vain to reach the remoter angles of the chamber, or the recesses of the vaulted and fretted ceiling.
And thus, as a closer and still close intimacy admitted me more unreservedly into the recesses of his spirit.
P.S: I hope one would not miss this piece of literature. Comments, anyone.
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