I was really really shocked by Arjits behaviour. Thought he was Shamits partner but I guess not!!! Maybe Shamit had started flirting around with REX a little bit, and thats what got Arjit to vote him out.
Well looks like what comes around goes around. Shamit had voted Kirti out. And this stupid show got two memebers Sandeep and Monica back to the show just to kick Shamit out of the show. I dont think the two of them will last...
This show is really crazy and the only person I find sane is Javed. He gives correct comments. Ila at times acts really crazy. Yeah at one time she was saying Qazi was the best, then she thought of giving Sandeep a chance... I mean hello!!! Why are you giving chance to the new comers at this stage when half the good singers have left the show(Anubhav, Mona, Kirti)
I think they just want to make money.
I am also assuming that Qazi is related to the Sony TV and he will be the fame gurukul and they all will share the money... any comments on that???
Poor Javed, Shankar, and Kay Kay are wasting their time at this really confusing but entertaining show.