We can find number of packers & movers through many famous search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. But its difficult search a quality of movers & packers. While searching on an internet I found Fame Relocation and contacted with them and request them to gave me a quotation. I took some other quotations from some other different different packers & movers. Some of there quote was low and some of them higher.
Since I am ok with there and I am ready to pay little more and would expect a quality of packing & moving service. After doing all the long conversation I had finalized my movement with Fame. Since my goods was not full truck load, it was only half truck container truck so my packing & loading was done in a half day of time and I was free by them by afternoon. The container truck has been reached my my new location in 5 days of and there local team had off loaded my all the household stuff properly. All my has been counted and handover to me.