I am writing about movie fan which is starring shahrukh khan. as a fan of shahrukh khan I got disappoint after watching this movie.
Lets go through key point. plot is the biggest minus point of this movie because it has very weak plot. this movie is all about aryan khannas fan gaurav. shahrukh khan played both the role aryan khanna and gaurav. but looks little different as gaurav. shahrukh khan delivers has best for both the roles and we can not doubt his acting skills. only jabra song us good. other sound track and back ground music is not also good. at some scenes music did not match with scene. as cinematography depends upon plot and plot is very weak. but we found cinematography more weaker that plot. there are unwanted actions scene in story which seems to be useless.a star is not a star if he no fan. dont waste money for this movie & dont make your weekend boring really shahrukh khan wrostest film.