Far excessively numerous movies start with an awesome story thought, even have a staggering first half, just to stoop to foolish pandering post-interim, to pacify the movies god.
Aside from one thing. Fan would have been anything but difficult to discount and reject with an apathetic rating on the off chance that it hadnt been for Shah Rukh Khan. In this taking off and after that sinking film sits an unblinking, confident answer from Shah Rukh Khan to each one of those whove ever addressed, questioned or kidded about his acting capacities. Khan, who expositions two parts here — that of the fan and the star — plays both with swarming vanity and power.
It is SRKs most brave, most complex execution to date. There are snippets of such splendor, scenes so penetrating and exceptional that theyll abandon you confused. Furthermore, hes demonstrated this not with his exchange mark held teeth, penetrating eyes, vein-throbbing misrepresented determination, however with the deftness and daintiness of a performing artist who is in the zone.
The way SRK possesses Gauravs character, playing the grotesqueness and edginess not simply with a full toothy smile, a twinkle in sad eyes, additionally a measure of haughty nobility, in betting terms its called risking everything. Furthermore, SRK doesnt simply win the hand. He beats the house.
Regardless, whether you are a Shahrukh Khan Fan or not, this film is without a doubt an absolute necessity watch. There are a couple imperfections yet dont stress by any means! Shahrukh Khanstwofold dhamaka is absolutely a paisa-vasool and you can without much of a stretch give it a shot, that as well, alongside your full family!