Nice scripted and well chosen plot. fan although a flop movie in terms of box office but worth watching once, the story is about a diehard fan from delhi of film star, fan resembles almost like a face of the real film star and as a part of being a diehard fan he decides to meet him in mumbai, he does all things during journey from delhi to mumbai that was done by his star before he got a celeb status, when the star hurts his fan because of his attacking on his rival celeb star he punishes him. now the fan gets hurt and want a sorry from him, the whole movie is about the craziest things fan can do to hear sorry from his favourite film star but the part I hated is the end were the fan ends attempting a suicide. for srk fans must watch movie, in terms of music and songs there is only one song in the movie "jabra fan", nice scripted and directed well performed by the actors and great technology used.