Well it is not my cup of tea to exactly know how this film did in the box office, but it sure did create a lot of hype. After a long time people came up saying, that there was story in this film, something that was absent in SRKs films lately.
I would say the film is well made, but the story is just anything that you can easily apprehend from the trailers.
Nothing extra ordinary, rather some parts were unnecessary and very much out of the plot.
The FAN(Gaurav), strives for years to make savings of Rs.20000/- to be able to meet his most sort after idol(Aryan Khanna). Later in an act of revenge he is able to travel costly foreign countries and create numerous havoc.
When in an act of desperation to prove his loyalty for Aryan, Gaurav gets apprehended by the cops and later realizes that his apprehension was framed by his Idol, who does not consider him as his FAN for his desperate acts and pushes him off.
How a desperate fan obsessed with vengeance brings down the glitter and glory of the most renowned star to make him ask for forgiveness is the basic story line.
It is an one time watch, not much of twists and turns, good thing they opted to shoot the movie mostly abroad or else there is nothing to expect from the film.