I am truly a big fan of SRK but after watching this film I hate being a fan. This is one of SRK worst film. The story shows what movies stars are really about and their true identity because am sure their are fans that might truly be like the fan in the film really obesses over SRK .
In the film yes the fan made mistake but he only did it because he really just wanted to meet him and after punishing him SRK instead of apologising he didnot even show that he really cares about his fan and leave him to die and I think in real life that is the way he thinks because why if your a huge superstar and your always saying your fans is what make you the star you are made a bad movie, its so boring, nothing in their. What a waste of time, there is no moral of the story. Its SRKs mistake to make this movie.
No heroine, no comedian, no songs, what is he expecting from audience to just go and watch his face for 2 hours and 22 minutes.ay meaning SRK is jus a fake in both real life and in front the camera. Totally time& money loss
Dont waste your time n money on such a stupid n 3rd class film.Where in Hollywood they are making movies like Gravity, Avatar & etc. here in Bollywood they are making Fan & Prem Ratan Dhan Payo like stupid movies