Well how do you feel when your precious money(150 bucks) or more importantly precious 3 hours is simply wasted in watching a piece of junk that is over publicized or over hyped.
I think movies are of 6 types:
- Very Good
2. Good
3. Average
4. Bad
5. Very Bad
No other words will seem fit to describe this 3 hours nonsense.
This movie is as bad as it can be and it proudly takes the prize of being in category six (6) as described above. ...it is the most pathetic, silly, unbearable, illogical, useless, and baseless and what not (sorry guys I am short of words now….) movie that I have watched in the recent times...
I seriously suggest the people like me who have hard earned money and really precious time, not to waste on this movie...I mean there was no story and nothing to be watched out for...a complete bore and a lengthy irritating movie.
Although in recent times we have seen a lot more than digestible stuff in Hindi movies but still this movie leads the way by a clear margin.
I would like to mention some of them:
1. Now that Kajol could see after a long time, why didn’t her friends come to her to see her and show her the pictures of Aamir Khan...She says that she has never seen him...why I don’t understand...
2. She is blind but dances on the stage without any help...(we need such talented people really !!)
3. What was Aamir’s mission when he met her???????????
4. One blind girl was waiting for any boy to come into her life and within 2 days she has a relationship which makes her have a child...uuuuffffffffffff....(beats even the American life style by a clear margin !!!)
- The worst were those shaayaris and one liners that Aamir spoke...absolutely baseless....(unfortunately some people found them to be very interesting, better option is to read them in any auto-rickshaw then to waste 150 bucks for them)
and many more such things....
There was although one life saver for the whole movie, that was the name of Aamir Khan and Kajol. I don’t question the performance of Aamir Khan; it was the script that killed the performance of a great actor like him.
Music will score some points for the movie (songs like Subhaan Allaaah….), but still it’s too bad a bet to risk your time and money for just the music.
Rest is up to you to decide.
Please feel free to litter the comments section .. :)