Recently I was forced to watch this and I am still working out the damage. If there were only two choices left in life, a coma or Fanaa, Id be off to sleep in no time. Sign me up as Mrs. Negativity, but director Kunal Kohili how more cliché and unbelievable can you get? There was no chemistry between Kajol and Amir, and absolutely no depth to their characters. There is a reason films like this are defined as romantic tragedies- because they are an absolute joke! I hope Kunal Kohili is someday brought to justice for his crimes against humanity for starring in and propagating these sad opiates of the masses that clog the artery of cinema today.
The movie is basically about a blind girl (Zooni) who falls in love with a man (Rehaan) whos secretly a leading figure in a terrorist organization--a man who, according to the Indian government authorities, has "taken a small terrorist faction to the level of top intelligence operations.
He gets her eye surgery and then fakes his death and disappears, seven years pass, and eventually theyre accidentally reunited when he seeks refuge in her home at Kashmir while trying to pull off the biggest attack..
Fanaa is a tame movie that takes few chances. Even the casting of Amir Khan and Kajol is an example of playing it safe, since both are proven box office draws. Wouldnt it have been more interesting to cast an unknown as the male lead?
The comedy in the first half, while sporadically funny, occasionally feels forced and unnatural, as if director Kunal Kohili was compelled to ratchet up the level of humor at the cost of characters credibility.
Another problem with the film is that the romance is tepid. While theres a feeling of companionability and even affection between Rehan and Zooni, I never sensed any passion.
Getting Kajol to play Zooni is a case of perfect casting.She is one of a few actresses who can be luminous in almost any role, and, although her wattage is dimmed by Fanaas curiously muted tone, shes still the central attraction
Amir Khan, on the other hand, seems to be sleepwalking through his part, relying on his charm and good looks although the crows feet are starting to show around his eyes to get by. Hes very good at dropping the self-deprecating one-liners, but, other than that, theres not much to the performance.
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