Well they did it again . its not just a little weird but almost bizarre how one of the marvel comics greatest team of superhumans keep failing again and again on the big screen.
I dont know how to even describe what the movie was about thats how much messed up it was. the story line of young members of the FF4 and Dr Doom and their origin falls flat despite the fact that FF4 are the second most important team up after the avengers in the marvel universe and Dr Doom one of the most powerful and sinister anti-hero to exist in the comic world .
Again justice has not been done to these awesome characters due to a pathetic storyline and immature acting . the story line used in the movie is an altered version of the ff4 and dr dooms origin where an botched up teleportation experiment gives the young Reed, johnny, Ben and Sue their powers while victor doom gets stranded at the alien planet and later comes back for his revenge . yawn. ahm.oh sorry, I get sleepy even thinking about it . really not worth it and if you are a big Dc and Marvel fan like me just dont watch me . trust me its only disappointment and DOOM that awaits U . yawn,