Fashin TV (or FTV) is the hype of the youngsters of today. I find youngsters (girls to be precise) of my family talk about this channel in high esteem.
Well for a retired person like me I have a different perspective altogether. The channel just portrays lots and lots of females in skimpily dressed outfits (dressed did you say?) called desinger outfits walking the so called ramp, which I call the display arena. I don’t know why it is called fashion when it just cannot be worn. Definitely be it Paris, New York or Milan, I don’t believe that people wear the kind of dresses shown on the channel.
Maybe very young guys would watch the channel for some nudity. I don’t however understand the outlook of the girls when they say they like the channel.
I somehow feel it does not gel with Indian culture anyway. Sushma Swaraj had tried to bring some control on the programming of the channel. I have locked the channel in my house using child lock so that nobody even accidentally come across the channel and then we have an embarassing situation.
I think this channel has to go off air.