When I first started buying from Fashion and You about one year ago, the service was good and prompt. however the quality of products were not up to the mark in some cases. the sleeves of unstitched kurtas are always not wide enough for your arms and you have to manipulate a lot with supplementary pieces of cloth. so I will advice everybody not to purchase unstiched kurtas, specially with decorative sleeves(different from the main kurta cloth).
Recently the service of F&Y has been deteriorated beyond limit. my order no 2155512 placed on 20/7/2012 has not got any follow up action after initial registration. when I wanted to know about despatch particulrs, (I had problems in delivery earlier), I did not get any help. the service to customer complaint is extremely poor. the IVRS system asks to press 1 to talk to a representative, but after pressing 1 the call gets disconnected. this happens all the time. I dont know why they display a phone no. to contact. it is the height of customer unfriendliness.
After getting thoroughly fed up with the telephone I tried e-mail. they dont reply your query and keep on giving vague numbers. after 3/4 days when I wrote a strong message, they came out with the most surprising answer that they could not give me depatch details as the e-mail was not registered. friends, this has been the e-mail of me right from the beginning. they have always contacted me here, sent my password when I lost it and also confirmed my purchase order 2155512 to this very e-mail. and now suddenly it has become unregistered. that shows how much mismanagement is going on in the system of maintaining and processing data. can you depend on such a worthless system and place order again? NEVER .
Fortunately I have ordered for COD, and so avoided any loss. I would advise one and all not to purchase by paying in advance from F&Y and still better not to PURCHASE at all, as you have to constantly CHASE them wasting your valuable time. this becomes more pain than pleasure whereas we definitely purchase for pleasure.