I also would like to share some facts about this fashionandyou that is completely a cheating site.
- FnU always selects the brands(sarees, kurtas, jewellery etc) that are almost unknown in market
and not easily available. Why they do so, because price is not fixed for these cheaper brands but
still FnU tries to sell them equal to the branded items. So that FnU earns a lot of profits. Even if
fashionandyou comes with the branded items and if you compare the prices with the market, most
of time they will be much more compared to market price. Cheaters!
- FnU insists to sell items(electronic items, mobiles etc) on Vendor warranty but charging for
manufacturing warranty. Generally there should be a min. difference of 20-30% between the vendor
warranty price and manufacturer warranty price but you will never see that difference except
maximum of 500/- rupee difference even sometimes you will see that they are charging more than
manufacturer warranty eg. Sony Erricson Cedar is getting sold in 4299/- on Fnu(check the attached
image) while same set is available on Letsbuy.com
(https://letsbuy.com/sony-ericsson-cedar-j108i-p-15657) in 4250/- only with 1 year manufacturer
warranty! You can compare all other items as well. Again cheating.
- As I have mentioned that they are insisting for vendor warranty. But for some brands like PIGEON,
FUZEZONE etc. they are selling on manufacturer warranty! Why? Because these brands already not
selleable in market so manufacturer offers a big margin to FnU. So FnU is recommending to us.
- Now if you talk about its customer service, FnU fails here also. All the idiots from country are sitting
there who dont know except some lines like "Sorry for inconvenience"/"Can I put you on hold"/"It will
done within 72 working hours or 3-4 days" and believe me that is never going to happen. Again when
you will call, you will get promise for next 3-4 days. Cheaters!
- You will be lucky if you gets everything ok with your parcel if not then its really hell to get it resolved.
There is no other medium to raise complaint to higher level management, you only have choice to
contact/mail to the one number/email and everytime you will get a complaint number(in fact every
time a new complaint number for a single order) nothing else. And nobody cares whether previous
complaint number is solved or not. They will just generate a new complaint number every time!
(related to order number 235388) Cheaters!
- If you request them to connect their seniors, they will simply deny saying they dont have permission
regarding that. After a lot of request, they will put you on hold for a long time and what you will get after
that? "our team lead is busy in some other call and he will contact you today before 7 OClock":) And
believe me that is never going to happen. Cheaters!
- Now lets come on Return Policy. Even after requesting for reverse pickup for a month you will never
get a reverse pickup and finally you will get a mail saying to send item at your expense and they will
return the shipping cost with product cost. Whoaa, everything got solved, isnt it. After sending the
product I dont know when you will get your money but they will never return the shipping cost. They
will give you different excuses like "the cheque for shipping cost will be processed later"/"this is very
less amount to dispatch a cheque"! Finally you will get this shipping cost as a store credit saying
that shipping charges can be returned as a store credit only(then what about the mail saying they will
return it! They are cheaters so they can do anything:)) Now what will happend? For just redeeming
your store credit of shipping charges(that will maximum 100/-), you have to spend another 100/- a
their flat shipping charges for any item no matter how big it is so better forget that store credit. It
means you did mistake by sending the item at your own expense.(see my store credit in image that
is total waste)
And what about that heavyweight referral voucher? No need to mention, referral voucher is worthless on these already heavy priced/local brands/vendor warranty items.
And please dont should on their wall on Facebook. They will simply delete your comments and
will block you for entering comments further:)
These people are like our Government who dont want to improve their corruption but will do anything to beat Ramdev/Anna Hazaare. :)
Lets hope when FnU will really improve itself. I am also hoping.