I had ordered a bag from fashioandyou in April by paying online through credit card. The order got placed & I was waiting for over 20 days for my order to be delivered. Then I checked its status on their website & it was showing dispatched, so I waited for another 10 days thinking that it would be delivered in few more days. But that didnt happen. So I called them up and they said that the bag is out of stock and asked me to wait for couple of days, but I was pissed off waiting so I told them to cancel the order and give me the refund, that time, that guys said YES & they will refund my money(999/-) within few more days.
So I am waiting since 4-5 days, but nothing working. So I kept calling the moron customer service guys to ask when would they be refunding my money. Those idiots do not know what to say. So they just kept me on hold for 5-10 & den 15 mins & later I was so pissed off that I hung-up.
These people dont even know how is the refund policy and how would they return back the money. Now its almost 2 months & those looters arent refunding my money back!