I always use to read negative reviews and comments regarding Fashionandyou and think to myself saying why such a good website is getting such bad reviews and why people write negative about a lovely website?
I have purchased many things from fashionandyou.com and never had a single problem regarding quality or delivery. I was really more than happy. But their true colors are showing now.
It has been 2 weeks and I am still awaiting the delivery. I was promised the delivery within 10 days today it is the six day and I haven’t received my 3 T-shirts and sport shoes.
Before this I have purchased many times from Fashionandyou but I never had any complains. I use to always praise them for the timeliness and quality. But now I think I will have to take my words back. I hope I get my stuff at the earliest.
Changing the review:
Received my product today. Fashionandyou.com is not all that bad.