I placed a order on FNU around 23 months back.order no277943 ith amount of Rs603...After making numerous calls they agreed to send my order as partial shipment and the amount I was required to pay was Rs181.So I agreed but when I received the order its invoie amount was Rs181 But Bluedart demanded Rs603i.e the original amount...
So I called up their customer care and one of their employees asked me not to accept the order and they will send it again.So I rejected the order and when I asked FNU to deliver my order they said they have cancelled my order.To my surprise I received the order on 17th May again with an invoiced amount of Rs181...I paid the amount to the bluedart Guy but later on he called me and asked for the whole amount i.e.Rs603...So I declined and he threatened me that he will not deliver any of my orders in future...
I called up their supervisor Tarun on 17th and he said he will solve my matter on 18th morning...I tried calling the whole day on 18th but he never answered and the whole day he was giving me excuses through his subordinates..
On 19th I wrote on heir fb page and got a call from Mr Rishi who assured me that my problem would be solved in 1 hour...Bt d whole day went by and I did not get any solutions...I dnt know who wud be responsible for the inconvenience caused to the customer... At last the most they can do is call u nd say sorry...BUT WHO WOULD SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS??