I have been a regular with fashion and you for over 1 year. At no point I would say the services were great but it is indisputable that they get great brands together. The quality of the products are not very great but I understand that most of the products are "genuine replica" - an oxymoron:-). well that is the fact most of the time.
Anywaysm sure customers would make a choice if they want the product or not. What I intended to bring out here is the fact that they are smartly playing the 3-4 weeks delivery timelines. Most products have a delivery time of 3-4 weeks. Since they levy a Rs 100 COD charges(no other website has COD for products beyond a 200 or 500) it definitely makes sense to prepay the order. Once the order is prepaid the amount is debited from your account and in their wallet for 3-4 weeks.
Even after 3-4 weeks there is no sign of the product and the order history says - to be dispatched. You can wait for another week and yet no news from FNY. Then you write an e-mail to the customer care and ONLY then they reply sorry order CANCELLED. They definitely refund the amount; never had problem with that. But do you realize that they are enjoying an interest on your money and conveniently say sorry after 45 days. I have observed that this is the case with products of greater value. The whole amount is locked in for a month and a half and only to get no product at the end of it.
FNY - cheating customers BIG time. I have had this experience with them for at least 4-5 times recently. If the product is not available will they not know it for 45 days? Why do they respond only when you mail them but not at the end of the promised deadlines? THINK fellow shoppers. This is a new way of cheating customers. KUDOS FNY for your innovative way of cheating customers.!