Fashos.com is E-commerce shopping website for Shoes, Bags & accessories etc.
Site provided detailed information regarding product, brand provides every view (even 360 Degree view) of each product. Also provide information about brand. Site have all the renowned brands available in market. Also price mentioned are at par with or better than available offline (local markets or shop)
Fashos.com also provided timely discount and offer to get better deals, you will feel like shopping from a show room. But you should be very attentive while finalizing the order as there may be chances that product deliver does not suite you or is not of your size. Because fashos.com has very strict return policy (which I think a big con for them). Products purchased while offer, discounts are not returnable, exchangeable, all fashos can do is fill up your account with loyalty points which can be used while purchasing next time (means you have to take chance one more time).
All together, one can find great deal and good product using presence of mind and also be smart while shopping with them.