This Switch fast carieer is in Saidham complex near Saidham hospital in Bhosari pune is fake cunsultany. They cheat innocent and jobless people.Everyday they calls people and assure them that you will gate job in many company and MNCs. They dont tell you the name of companies on phone while speaking on phone with them instead of that they ask you to visit their fake office which is in Bhosari Saidham complex. This is fake office some girls seated there to cheat you. They ask you to pay 1000 Rs and ask you to fill the form and take your sign on form.Then they send you in black cabin to talk with one girl they call her Revati mam or Aditi Mam but her real name is Tejal which I guess master in cheating and fraud. She told us that you will be gating job in many companies as well as in MNCs like LG and so many and they will provide you accomodation and food. Then she gave us the contact number of person call Kartik he ask us to come in Shikrapur and after that he ask us to come Shikrapur chaufulla. They provide accommodation in jungle some where 10 km from Shikrapur in some room without fan and lots of dirt and with cow and buffellow barn.They took our receipt and we are having no proof of payment we made. Then they started showing their real faces there was fake company in jungle. ask us to join and work as helper for 3 months on latbe machine.After 3 months they provide you job some where else. but there was student who wasted their 4 months their but no jobs in other company.Next day on superwiser person started shouting in morning around 5:30 on sunday and ask us to go to the work. That person also beat one of the student with leg and ask to work in morning shift of 7:30 AM.
So this is fraud consultancy hungry for registration fees. We waste ous time and money as well. please join this bullshit fake fraud consultancy.