We are the kids who have made to looking watches with a particular graph. Keep in mind the old plans of Citizen, HMT or Titan itself and we used to consider when wed have the capacity to wear the watches in a style we require? That is conclusively when and why the brand Fastrack was made.
Close to being sensibly evaluated giving support generally to the age party of 15 - 25, these watches were made for us. Fiery, insane and with the twist in our hair, these watches changed into a touch of us, a ticket to the higher strata of society, the unruly game-plan of individuals that basically required an enormous measure of fun. From watches, Fastrack has made to sacks, belts, shades, wallets and wristbands making it a distinguishing strength display for youngsters alike.
When I anticipated that would pick my watch, there were no second decisions. I had been looking specific plan of Fastracks for a long time and I simply anticipated that would pick that one. A photo of this has been set up for your reference. The cost in any case, extraordinarily splash at that time(2999/ - INR), did not bother me.
Its been a long time since Ive procured that watch and its been through nature meanders, swimming in the remote ocean, a bicycle mishap and huge measures of different things and, get ready to have your mind blown. In any case im enamored by it in like manner as I was on the day I got it.
For those that are more captivated by the history and progress of Fastrack to the brand that it is today, please duplicate stick the affiliation - scribd.com/doc/19975785/Brand-Tracker-Fastrack