The best gift I could have ever got from my mom is the pleasure one gets in reading books and though many might probably claim Enid Blyton is something one reads during childhood no way totally disagree with that notion . Even today at 25+ years Enid blyton stills weaves her same magic.
I might have read the Faraway tree series, Malory Towers, St Clares, the Famous fives find outers umpteen number of times but the joy is still the same ........same pleasure ...same excitement still prevails.
The joy which Bessie, Jo, Fanny climb up the enchanted tree, one can just imagine and feel Dame Washlots water sizzling, Silkys pop-biscuits just melting in your mouth and the pleasure of sliding down Moonfaces slippery slip..........the list can go on.
This is the magic of Enid Blyton ....she has brought out the imagination in every child and adult and all I can say is Thank You Mom for introducing me to Enid Blyton during my childhood....even today her magic has not faded.
There are many other authors who rule my library...but when the day goes tough.... the best way for me to rewind is just pick up an Enid blyton book ..... Faraway series, willow farm series.....Circus series, St clares, Malory towers and get involved in that fantasy land and all tensions just vanish like magic.
Childhood still brings back nostalgia.