Its fairly easy to select books for kids upto seven. Much later when they are
into their teens, they are will make their own demands.
Its the tweenager(age eight to twelve) for whom I compile this list.
Most of the works were around in my formative years.
This writer is ignorant of recent authors who write for this age group.
Readers are requested to add updates to this list.
1)Jean Webster -Daddy Long Legs.
This is a cheerful account of Judys transition in life from an orphanage to
college and how she falls in love.
The illustrations are a delightful treat.
2)Anne Frank -The diary of a young girl.
Written by Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl, whose family spent several months in
hiding from the Germans. The diary was found by her father(the only survivor in
the family) several years later.
3)Gerald Durell -My family and other animals.
This is an account of the writers sojourn in Corfu.
He writes about family, friends, animals, pets.
His sense of humour is wonderful.
4)Rudyard Kipling -Jungle Book.
The stories ofMowgli among many others have been around. But the present
day generation is likely to find this one boring.
5)Richmal Compton - TheWilliam series of books.
These are delightful stories about William who was the epitome of all brats.
The list is never-ending, Ill stop at five.
Id also like to add that Asterix and Tin-Tin comics
also have their pride of place high up in this list.