Books are like friends, we love spending time with them .
A good book can teach us many thing, it improves our command on that language, increases our knowledge and helps us to learn many new things .
As a kid I use to love story books .I use to bring it from my school library, borrow from my friends and also had a good collection of story books at my home .
Starting form Comics like that of Chacha Choudary, PInky and Billu to famous English fairy tales like Cindrella and Snow white, I had all .
Those books takes us a to a different imaginary world and we feel as if we are a part of that world .
I also enjoyed reading books on adventure and Travel like Sindabad and Gulliver travel. Those my favourite books .Because adventure always has some thrill factor in it, one cannot leave the book till the story finishes.
So some of my favourite Books of my childhood are:
1.Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dafoe
2.Treasure Island by Robert Louie
3.Sindabad The sailor
4.Gulliver Travels
5.Black Beauty by Anan Swell
6.Alice In wonderland
I enjoyed reading all these books, my English got improved and I learned many new things from these books.