One of the worst service ever.
Tracking number 771289177109
Order date 21 Sept 2014
FedEx received it on 26th Sept 2014. Reached Bangalore on 5th Oct, its 11th and still not delivered.
Why was it shipped to jaipur, enroute?
When all 3 shipments traveled together, why are they reaching the location on different dates?(informed by a rep over the phone)
From Bangalore hub(Nelmangala) to the local Bangalore warehouse(Peenya), why do you need 5 days?(Even walking the distance shouldnt take more time)
From Bangalore local warehouse to my residence, less than 10 kms, why 3+ days?
Beat that, it’s been 17 days since FEDEX received it and they havent delivered.
Ok lets review the travelling options,
Delhi to Bangalore-
Flight- 3 to 4 hours
Train- 2 to 3 days
truck- 3 to 4 days
By walk 415 hours, 17days(source Google maps). So, is it that you getting it by a push/pull cart? This is awful and pathetic. Fake commitments, six delivery dates were promised till now,
1st delivery date 26th Sept-1st Oct
2nd promised date 6th Oct
3rd promised date 8th Oct(Ref cust care)
4th promised date 9th Oct(Ref cust care)
5th promised date 10th Oct(Ref cust care)
6th promised date 11th Oct* will have to see.
So, is this how you deal? where is the customer satisfaction and how do you expect to retain them?